Freedom News

RIP Anarchist Historian Osvaldo Bayer

December 26th: Argentinian anarchist historian and author, Osvaldo Bayer, passed away on December 24th 2018.
freedom mark

UN report reveals EU connection with horrors of Libyan detention centers

December 24th: “Unimaginable horrors,” “extrajudicial killings,” “sexual abuse,” “torture,” “slavery,” and “arbitrary detention,” are the key terms mentions in the latest report about Libya by the United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR).

Interview: Anarchism in Indonesia and the guerrilla struggle in West Papua

December 22nd: Anarchists in Indonesia are making their presence felt as a dangerous threat to the Indonesian state, capitalists, and monarchies.

Refugee Crisis: Italy not safe for vulnerable Dublin returnees

December 19th: A new report has been published by the Danish Refugee Council and the Swiss Refugee Council stating that Italy is not a suitable destination for vulnerable Dublin Returns.

Austria: thousands protest against government’s anti-migrant policy

December 17th: Thousands of people took to the streets of Vienna last Saturday to protest the country’s ruling coalition of conservatives and far- right.

Notes from the US: From hate speech to violence

December 16th: Louis Further looks over the racist rhetoric and damaging actions which have been carried out in the land of the free over recent weeks.

Frankfurt: arson attacks against squats and self-organized spaces

December 7th: Since September, several arson attacks against squats and other self-organised alternative spaces have taken place in the Rhine-Main region in Germany.

Russia: imprisoned antifascists start hunger strike

December 4th: Two imprisoned Russian antifascist started a hunger strike at the end of last week, protesting their imprisonment and treatment during the investigation they are subjected to, and attempts to force confessions out of them.

Lithuanian teachers’ Ministry occupation enters second week

December 3rd: The occupation of Lithuania’s Ministry of Education headquarters in Vilnius is entering its second week and has been marked by a number of protests over the last few days.

Australian youth rise-up for climate justice

December 2nd: Students have been walking out of schools across Australia, highlighting Government failure to act in the face of potentially catastrophic climate breakdown.