Freedom News

Libertarian manifesto on the Ecuadorian crisis

October 13th: The following text comes from the leaflet distributed by the group  “Solidaridad Anarquista Ecuatoriana” (SAE) on the streets of Ecuador’s capital Quito.

Gamers show solidarity with player banned over Hong Kong protests support

October 11th: You probably haven’t heard of Blitzchung but he has just cost Activision Blizzard and their subsidiary Blizzard Entertainment billions.

Poland: as government’s anti-LGBTQ+ campaign intensifies, homophobes bring bomb to Pride March

October 4th: CW: bigotry According to media reports and the police, the Gay Pride march in Polish city Lublin could have potentially been a victim of a homemade bomb attack.

Large protest in Moscow demands release of political prisoners

October 3rd: Around 20,000 people gathered last Sunday in central Moscow to demand freedom for political prisoners.

Emergency action required to defend antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman!

September 27th: Jock Palfreeman is an Australian antifascist currently imprisoned in Bulgaria.

Battle for Amulsar: UK mining giant using corporate courts to attack community opposed to massive gold mine

September 11th: Early last week—despite popular resistance and grave environmental concerns—the Armenian government green-lit a gold mine on Amulsar Mountain in Southern Armenia.

Brazil: In case of fire, burn the landlords and imperialists

September 1st: In this scorching essay, the Brazilian Anarchist Co-ordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira, or CAB) analyse the many steps taken under multiple governments which have led to today’s ruinous arsons of the Amazon — and call for support to flow to the grassroots communities resisting the burners.

Greece: Police attack Exarcheia Square and K*VOX social centre

August 30th: The Greek riot police has attacked Athens’ Exarcheia Square and K*VOX social centre late last night.

Bangladesh: 200,000 Rohingya people rally to mark Genocide Day

August 25th: About 200,000 Rohingya people rallied in the World’s largest refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh, today to mark two years since the start of the biggest ever stream of refugees out of Myanmar.

Poland: court orders investigation into police torture of anarchists

August 17th: CW: torture, police brutality A court in Warsaw heard an appeal against the prosecutor’s decision to discontinue the investigation regarding two police officers suspected of abuse of power, mistreatment and inhuman treatment of three anarchists following their arrest in May 2016.