Freedom News

How we got here: Brutality on the the Turkey-Greece borders

March 12th: Neil Middleton looks into the broader political situations in Turkey and Greece which have fuelled horrific levels of violence and repression.

Poland: feminists occupy Tomosławice Coal Mine

March 9th: As part of the International Women’s Day celebrations, at early hours of today a group of women occupied the coal mine in Tomoslawice, central Poland.

Russia: thousands sign open letter in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists

February 16th: On February 10th, seven Russian anarchists accused of participation in “the Network” group were sentenced for terrorist offences to a total of 86 years imprisonment.

BREAKING: Russian antifascists sentenced to 6- 18 years prison

February 10th: The trial of seven Russian antifascists accused of terrorist offences ended today in Penza, western Russia.

Russia: Bailiff base burns along with debtor files

February 9th: The building in Krasnoyarsk owned by the Federal Bailiff Service (SSP), a State-run body linked to the Ministry of Justice, was set alight by unknown arsonists on the same night as its previous HQ was also torched.

Greece: Gare squatters say ‘The best days have yet to come’

February 4th: On February 2nd we took the initiative to burglarize our own house.

Who’s afraid of the Black Vests? The Gilets Noirs and the struggle for migrant rights in France

February 1st: On the 23rd November 2018, the Immigration Museum in Paris was occupied by 300-400 people, convening a general assembly on the oppression faced by migrants in France.

Brazil: Olive Garden urban occupation under threat of eviction

January 30th: Activists from the Black Flag anarchist collective report that the squatted site, which houses more than 200 families in the southern Brazilian city of Araquari, is fighting back against threats from the City Hall to send the dogs in.

Israel: co-founder of Anarchists Against the Wall arrested

January 23rd: Jonathan Pollak, a long-time anarchist, co-founder of Anarchists Against the Wall and Palestine solidarity activist, was arrested in Tel Aviv.

Poland criminalises hunt sabotage

January 22nd: The Polish parliament had voted through a new law effectively criminalising hunt sabotage.