Freedom News

Spain: striking field workers call for solidarity

January 27th: On 14th January, the workers of the British company Fresh Tom Export in Almería (South Spain), a vegetable grower and trading company specialising in tomato crops, decided by almost unanimous vote to go on indefinite strike.

Greece: call for solidarity with eight persecuted students

January 20th: Eight Athenian students are facing charges, including “forming of a criminal organisation” in an apparently bogus case brought forward by the Greek state.

Notes from the US

January 13th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Switzerland: Call to support the ZAD de la Colline

January 6th: In Switzerland, a few kilometers from Lausanne, the multinational cement company LaFargeHolcim seeks to expand the exploitation of the limestone quarry which consumes and attacks the Mormont hill: the area with remarkable flora and fauna.

Notes from the US

December 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Save Sinjajevina: Herders and activists protect unique Montenegrin pastures from military occupation

December 12th: After a mobile blockade lasting almost two months, a small group of traditional herders and activists has successfully repelled NATO and the Montenegrin military’s efforts to occupy the territory of Sinjajevina in Montenegro – the largest mountain grassland in the Balkans and the second in Europe.

Cuba: Solidarity for the San Isidro Movement

December 8th: At the end of November 2018, activists from the Artistic Movement of San Isidro met for the first time to demonstrate in the streets of Havana and in front of the Ministry of Culture, with the aim of obtaining the repeal of the Decree 349: a law aimed at restricting the creativity of any artistic

Greece marks 12th anniversary of Alexis Grigoropoulos murder

December 7th: This year’s 6th of December marked 12 years since the cold-blooded murder by the Greek police of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

Belarus: Interview with anarchist Vlad M. after 30 days of arrest

December 5th: Pramen contacted a comrade, the anarchist Vlad M.

ABC Belarus calls for week of solidarity with anarchists and antifascists of Belarus

November 21st: Below, Freedom reproduces the callout released by ABC Belarus, urging for a week of solidarity with anarchists and antifascists persecuted by the regime of Alexander Lukashenko to take place 23-30 November.