Freedom News

Russia: antifascist prisoner Viktor Filinkov moved to basement cell for “sitting on his bed”

July 29th: Viktor Filinkov, an antifascist political prisoner serving 7-year sentence has been moved to a basement cell, apparently as a punishment for sitting on his bed during day time.

The anarchists targeted by Pegasus

July 23rd: On 9 May 2016, the “Day of Flowers” that commemorated the late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev’s birthday, two anarchists celebrated the festivities and paid their respects to the dead dictator by decorating one of his statues.

Cuba: the end of the social enchantment of “The Revolution”: a voice from Cuban anarchist

July 20th: The repressive social spell that maintained the international left museum pacified has been broken.

International call on the political crisis in Afghanistan

July 17th: Below, Freedom reproduces the international call-out by our comrades from Iran and Afghanistan discussing the current Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

Belarus: Antifascist detained to serve 18 months of forced labour for a street performance

July 16th: Belarussian activist, antifascist and the singer of street punk band Mister X– Igor Bancer has been sent to a work camp following a court verdict sentencing him to 18 months of forced labour.

Notes from the US

July 13th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Ukrainian special services assist Lukashenka’s regime to repress Belarusian anarchists

July 12th: The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs responded to the request from the Belarusian security officials sent through Interpol and are attempting to deport two Belarusian anarchists: Alexei Bolenkov (known as Max Belorus) and Artur Kondratovich, to their home country.

Poland: Authorities use ‘neo-nazi threat’ to extract information from Belarusian anarchists seeking asylum

June 20th: In early June, several Polish anarchist social media pages reported that a two Belarusian anarchists living in Poland were visited by a group of men, claiming to be from the Polish Border Guard, with an urgent warning for them.  Both of the Belarusian anarchists had lived in Poland since 2020 when they fled their home

Spain: CNT archives attacked

June 17th: The Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL) archive and bookshop, a major anarchist institution in Madrid, was attacked with a pickaxe and paint overnight during the weekend.

Notes from the US

June 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.