Freedom News

Spain: Cops raid and evict Lioness social centre

May 27th: In a demonstration of repressive policing, Seville cops attacked and destroyed the squatted space on the day it opened for community use – having spent six months largely ignoring it while it was cleared and made useable.

France: Campaign against new migrant detention centres ramps up

May 25th: Despite noises about welcoming refugees from Ukraine in recent months, France is joining Britain in expanding the prisons-for-migrants system as part of its own ongoing “hostile environment” efforts.

Notes from the US: GOP’s vexed relationship with the law

May 17th: Louis further rounds up goings on across the pond.

Greece: Cops out of our universities!

May 14th: The fundamental aim of authority in Greece is to reconfigure the university from a space of political resistance to an institution for those who have the class position to support their admission and attendance.

Germany: Rounding up the Munich Raids

May 11th: Bavarian comrades round up details on what happened at the end of last month, when police raids against anarchist-linked apartments and spaces, including the Frevel library, took place in Munich.

France: Our Future Belongs to Us

May 8th: The following text, first published at Paris-Luttes is taken from an as yet unpublished pamphlet produced in the wake of the French elections.

Ukraine video dispatch: Anarchists Against Putin – International Anarchist Mobilization

April 27th: Freedom is pleased to present the next Ukraine video dispatch produced for us by film-maker and journalist Alexis Daloumis.

Ukraine War video dispatch: North-Eastern European anarchists respond to the Russian narrative

April 19th: This is the first of, hopefully many, video and written reports from Ukraine and around produced for Freedom by film-maker and journalist Alexis Daloumis.

Notes from the US: OAN out

April 15th: We can start with some good news this month.

Supporters call for International Day of Solidarity with anarchist hunger striker Libre Flot

March 28th: On 8th December 2020, seven anarchists were arrested by the DGSI, the French anti-terrorist police unit, in various locations across France.