Freedom News

Anarchist Haringey: Brief radical history of a London borough

April 22nd: I guess Tottenham is most known for its riots in 1985 and 2011.

Anarchism and the bookshop trade

April 2nd: Other than the London Anarchist Bookfair and a few smaller regional book fairs — Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield for example — there are few places where anarchist books are seen.

Democracy and the NHS

March 20th: The mythology regarding the 1945-51 Labour governments dies hard on the left, particularly in the era of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour which often sees itself taking up the mantle of an older, less compromised, form of state socialism.

Double book analysis: Peter Davison on George Orwell

February 16th: In this review and analysis piece, Raymond S.

Book interview: Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

January 27th: An annotated edition of Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist has just been published by AK Press.

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

January 20th: Thousands of protesters will stream into the streets of Washington, DC on January 20 to oppose the incoming presidency of Donald Trump.

freedom mark

Sowing seeds of hope

December 4th: In this article written for the new issue of Peace News, peace activist Andrea Needham reflects on her experiences on the road this year talking to peace activists about Seeds of Hope, the group she was part of which in 1996 broke onto a military base and destroyed a Hawk Jet to stop it from being

Book Review: Roses and Revolutionists

October 24th: ISBN: 978-1-910170-17-5 Price: £6.99 Pages: 106 Publisher: Five Leaves Books Nominally a work of history, Nigel Todd’s book on the founding, growth and eventual collapse of the Clousden Hill anarchist co-operative feels as though it could be written now with only a few technological twists.

Arguments against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party

September 10th: We are in a period when the Labour Party is, again, pretending that it can protect people in Britain from the ravages of a crisis-ridden capitalist system.

The gang system in Coventry

August 24th: REG WRIGHT is a Coventry engineering worker who has spent a life-time in the motor, aircraft and textile industries, One of the pioneers of the gang system in its present form, he has even written a play about it.