Freedom News
Fast Forward festival details released

Fast Forward festival details released

July 22nd: Some of the workshops for September’s major radical get-together have now been released by organisers Plan C, and include an intriguing mix of self-defence workshops, preparations for a Women’s Strike in 2018 and a total rethink of our broken higher education systems.
Anti-austerity campaigns kick off week of action in Scotland

Anti-austerity campaigns kick off week of action in Scotland

June 24th: Anti-cuts groups linked to Scottish campaign Action Against Austerity has launched a week of action calling on the Scottish government to end its participation in damaging disability benefit re-assessment programmes.

Grenfell: Because they were poor

Grenfell: Because they were poor

June 19th: A member of the Anarchist Federation writes on guilt and the ever-rising death count in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Empty Cages announce first No More Prisons conference

Empty Cages announce first No More Prisons conference

January 31st: The Empty Cages Collective, a solidarity group supporting prison abolitionists in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff and London, is backing a major new conference aimed at growing the movement nationally and gearing up for a campaign to fight the government as it pushes forward building new megaprisons.

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

Green groups unite against Aberthaw power station

January 26th: Following a recent direct action campaign against Aberthaw coal-fired power station, Europe’s most heavily-polluting utility, campaigners are heading back again this weekend for a major demonstration calling for its closure.

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

January 20th: Thousands of protesters will stream into the streets of Washington, DC on January 20 to oppose the incoming presidency of Donald Trump.

Jan 22: Prison demos in Doncaster and London will mark International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners

Jan 22: Prison demos in Doncaster and London will mark International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners

January 16th: This Sunday will see the International Day of Solidarity With Trans Prisoners, a day to highlight the struggles of trans people behind bars and fight for a world without prisons.

Rallies kick off fortnight of action against mass deportations

Rallies kick off fortnight of action against mass deportations

January 14th: A march through Brixton, South London today following on from Wednesday’s demonstration at the Nigerian High Commimssion has kicked off a two-week campaign by the Movement For Justice By Any Means Necessary against British charter flight deportations, used to forcibly expel migrants en masse.

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

January 9th: Every year the anarchist movement has its biggest get-together at the London Anarchist Bookfair at the end of October.

Protest to take on tip-stealers Harrods: Jan 7th

Protest to take on tip-stealers Harrods: Jan 7th

January 3rd: Union activists and supporters of restaurant staff at Knightbridge department store Harrods will be demanding that its grasping owners show some respect by giving 100% of tips back to chefs, waiters and porters, rather than stealing away up to three quarters for Qatari royals.