
Governments always overestimate what people will tolerate
December 14th: From Chile to Hong Kong, through Catalonia to France — it has been kicking off everywhere.
Winter Editorial: Persuasive Pessimism
January 10th: It is a truism to say that we live in interesting and scary times.

The dream of ’68 is needed today
May 29th: This month is the 50th anniversary since the events of Paris 1968 — and the ambition of those nights of cobblestone, barricade and teargas is something we must rediscover.

Polish Government’s War on Women
November 26th: October 2016 saw the largest strike by women in Polish history.

Freedom Collective Statement on the London Anarchist Bookfair
November 21st: Regarding the announcement by the London Bookfair collective that, following events at this year’s gathering, they will not be organising another one in 2018, the Freedom Collective has drafted the following statement: The Freedom Collective condemns the actions of trans exclusionary radical feminist (Terf) activists at the London Anarchist Bookfair 2017.

Through the noise of modern life, Chicago’s Martyrs still sing
May 1st: Today is May 1st, International Workers’ Day.

Editorial: British anarchism in 2016
December 29th: It’s hard to know where to start when writing an editorial about 2016.

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma
July 4th: A few days ago Freedom published an article called, “The End of Dogma #keepcorbyn as a Transitional Demand.”

Do you have to give the cops your Name and Address?
November 8th: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE 07/11/20: Under emergency powers, there is still no general obligation for you to give name, address or personal details to police officers that stop you in the street (unless you are driving a vehicle, in which case see below).
March 25th: Tim Forster on the use of “God” to create false concepts of community cohesion Over the last few years we’ve had a Royal Wedding, the Queen’s Jubilee and this year we’re remembering 100 years since the start of WWI.