Freedom News

New Year, New We? The Dialectics of Survival in 2015

January 3rd:   Today I walked the ten miles from Leamington Spa to Coventry because I had eleven pence in my pocket and the barrier guard was up and at ‘em.
freedom mark

Burn Up, Don’t Burn Out: Mental Health and Freedom.

December 16th: Last week, I documented the events at Warwick Uni and the police brutality that followed a peaceful sit in.

Constructing The Self

November 11th: Sociologists known as Social Constructionists (1) believe that we construct our sense of self, of self identity from the cultural resources available to us.

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

September 15th: September 8th marked the start of another season of Badger Culling, a practice deemed by most to be both unwanted and unnecessary.

Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy

August 29th: Freedom presents an essay intended as an introduction to ‘green anarchism’ and the ways in which it can challenge hierarchies.

World War One and 100 Years of Counter-Revolution

July 29th: One hundred years on from the start of the First World War, Mark Kosman reflects on the nature of war and the class struggle throughout the last century and asks the question: can governments keep up this destructive, murderous fraud?

‘Liberal’ Zionism and Gaza: A Personal View

July 25th: Growing up in a Jewish family, who suffered huge and indescribable losses during the war, just like many others, has meant that I wasn’t always able to see Israel for what it is: a racist and brutal occupying power.

Shoplifters of the working class unite!

July 15th: In this piece by Parris Komyune, of the blog Lenin was a Cheeseboard, the morality of expropriation (i.e.

Monarch of the People?

June 27th: A look at the anti-monarchist sentiments flourishing in Spain by Juana Belén Gutiérrez de Mendoza.

Newsflash: Labour Doesn’t Care About You

June 27th: It turns out the Left can move people – just not very far or in a very interesting direction.  Seeing as how these things are usually rained out or freezing, The People’s Assembly at least managed to pick a nice enough day for their “No More Austerity: Demand the Alternative” march on Saturday (June 21st).