Freedom News

The #grantsnotdebt demonstration shows a way forward for the free education movement

January 20th: Since the wrecking of Millbank in 2010 the free education movement has seen few instances of struggle, resistance and action.

Lambert’s resignations are welcome news, but this is not the end

December 26th: Former police spy and Special Demonstration Squad officer Bob Lambert has recently resigned from his positions at University of St Andrews and London Metropolitan University.

When they say gangs, they mean the poor: Armed patrols to begin in London

December 13th: At nine o’clock in the morning on December 11th, police shot a man dead on Bracknell Close in Wood Green.

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

December 10th: In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale.

Stop the War won’t stop this war, but direct action might

December 6th: The applause.

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Hipsterphobia Sails Close to Homophobia and Gendered Norms [3/3]

October 8th: This the final article from Cava Sunday’s blog on anti-hipster politics, reposted with permission.

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#FUCKPARADE – What the fuck is to be done?

September 28th: It’s official.

Class Conscious? The Gentrification of Revolution and the Silencing of the Working Class

July 17th: You’re sitting in a bar.

Finding Hope on an A to B March

July 13th: I haven’t been on many A to B marches over the last few years due to doubts about state sanctioned protest but I managed to get down to the anti-austerity demo on June 20th in London, and was glad I did.

2015: A Time for Outrage?

February 11th: Two years have passed since one of the great political and social thinkers of our time departed this world.