Freedom News

“One of us”: LabTory coalition unite to bury their dead

October 26th: The state’s response to the murder of one of their own has been telling.

The multiple and overlapping crises in the UK point to a sustained need for mutual aid

October 1st: In the recent printed edition of Freedom, there was an article reflecting on Covid and the mutual aid groups that sprung up in the early days of the pandemic.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: the new tax rise

September 11th: Boris Johnson has recently announced a 1.25% tax increase on national insurance in order to ‘help provide greater funding for health and social care.’ This specific increase is advertised as being ‘legally ring fenced’ and will only be allocated to health and social care.

It ain’t liberation until it’s total liberation

September 10th: The Total Liberation Club reflects on Do or Die Magazine, Earth First!

75 years since ‘the luxury squatters’ seized properties in West London

September 8th: On September 8th 1946, some 1500 men, women and children occupied properties in Kensington and Chelsea as part of the largest single direct action of trespass in a year marked by the squatting of military camps and empty residences across the UK

Double Standards

September 5th: I’ve been demonstrating against the bi-annual arms fair in the borough of Newham every two years since 2010, principally because it’s too easy to hurt someone with a weapon.

Reflections on Afghanistan

September 3rd: It rained every afternoon on the island.

Who counts?

September 1st: In a political moment when death tolls from COVID-19 are fading into media background noise as ‘freedom’ has been restored, who counts?

In defence of ‘In defence of Extinction Rebellion’

August 24th: It would be prudent for me to open with the affirmation that this is an ‘opinion piece’.

In defence of Extinction Rebellion

August 12th: “The next popular climate movement can only avoid a slow death if its politics are as red as they are green.”