Freedom News
They Don’t Care About Us: #FreeCeebo

They Don’t Care About Us: #FreeCeebo

November 16th: This summer, while a lot of attention was focused on the aftermath of the police killing of Mike Brown in Ferguson, another young black man was shot to death by the LAPD.

Tawayel: a timeline of torment

November 14th: Nikki Ray writes about firing zones, demolitions and Israeli settlement expansion in Area C of the West Bank…



November 6th: Last night’s POOR DOORS demo was a great laugh- there was an effigy of Boris, sparklers, drums and dancing.

The Militarisation of Israeli Society

The Militarisation of Israeli Society

October 28th: In the second blog from Nikki Ray in our series about life under Israeli occupation, Nikki dicusses the many ways in which Israeli society has become militarised, and how this affects both the occupied and the occupiers.

The Free Market Fraud

The Free Market Fraud

October 28th: Despite the world-wide recession the success of the free market fraud continues.

Knit for Freedom!!

Knit for Freedom!!

October 28th:

Interview with The Restarts

Interview with The Restarts

October 17th: Our Music editor Tim Forster brings us another great interview, this time with left-wing punk band The Restarts!

Interview with Santa Semeli & The Monks

Interview with Santa Semeli & The Monks

September 21st: Photo by Ben Buchanan.

Liam O’Flaherty: Leader of a Four Day Revolt

Liam O’Flaherty: Leader of a Four Day Revolt

September 21st: Liam O’Flaherty is regarded as one of Ireland’s finest writers of the 20th century, but before he rose to literary prominence, O’Flaherty led a little known and short lived occupation of the Rotunda Concert Hall in Dublin city just days after the formation of the Irish Free state in 1922.

Interview with AFem 2014

Interview with AFem 2014

September 1st: Freedom News is delighted to bring to you an interview with one of the organisers of the Afem 2014 Conference.