Freedom News
Only working-class self-organisation will kill the housing bill

Only working-class self-organisation will kill the housing bill

March 4th: With the Housing Bill about to come into effect, conditions are looking bleak for the working class.
From Dover to Calais to Brussels, the border regime is in violent panic

From Dover to Calais to Brussels, the border regime is in violent panic

February 6th: The recent anti-migrant demonstration by the National Front and other assorted fascist backwash is among a rising tide of violence against migrants.

The End of Social Housing: The Housing and Planning Bill

The End of Social Housing: The Housing and Planning Bill

December 27th: On January 5th, Architects for Social Housing (ASH) and many others will demonstrate against the Housing and Planning Bill, which will pave the way for further mass demolition of social housing.

COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

December 17th: With critical support, we went to the COP21 counter summit and found State repression, coercive pacifists and a lack of revolt.

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

Could the occupation of London Metropolitan signal the rise of a working-class student’s movement?

December 10th: In Cameron’s adventurous second term, the privatisation of culture has continued on a dramatic scale.

This Black December

This Black December

December 6th: Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece.

Stop the War won’t stop this war, but direct action might

Stop the War won’t stop this war, but direct action might

December 6th: The applause.

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

Silhan Ozcelik’s imprisonment is another vicious example of today’s counter-insurgency

November 22nd: Silhan Ozcelik, an eighteen-year-old Kurdish woman from London, was sentenced to 21 months at the Old Bailey two days ago.

Charitable Disempowerment: The Sock Exchange

Charitable Disempowerment: The Sock Exchange

October 29th: A homeless man is crying during a television interview.

Against Fascism! Against Borders! – Report from No Fixed Abode Antifascists

Against Fascism! Against Borders! – Report from No Fixed Abode Antifascists

October 17th: Proving that anti-fascism is a diverse struggle, today NFA Anti-Fascists joined other anti-fascists in Dover to oppose borders, Bristol Anti-Fascists opposed Bristol United Patriots, and Midlands Anti-Fascists confronted Britain First in Burton.