Freedom News
Nuclear Power At What Price?

Nuclear Power At What Price?

March 8th: March 11th will mark the sixth anniversary of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere in what was the biggest nuclear disaster since the explosion at Chernobyl twenty five years earlier.
Multimedia: Transnational social strikes and Dissident Radio

Multimedia: Transnational social strikes and Dissident Radio

March 6th: Anarchism isn’t usually over-endowed with multimedia production, particularly since the regular Stimulator show went offline and the Circled A stopped broadcasting, but a fascinating trove of talks has just been released by Plan C from its Transnational Social Strike talks at almost the same time as the latest show from long-running anarchist radio show Dissident Island.

Louis Further: Notes From the US

Louis Further: Notes From the US

February 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Suicide rates soar as mental health funding falls

Suicide rates soar as mental health funding falls

February 8th: January saw Theresa May launch her vision of a “shared society” with a focus on mental health and reducing the stigma attached to it.

Breaking BAE: Direct Action Against the Arms Trade

Breaking BAE: Direct Action Against the Arms Trade

February 1st: In the early hours on Sunday 29th January two men, Leeds-based Methodist minister Daniel Woodhouse and Quaker activist Sam Walton issued the following statement: We intend to enter BAE Systems Air Base Site in Warton, to locate warplanes bound for Saudi Arabia, and disarm them.

Bristol Council and Camelot on back foot as property guardians fight for rights

Bristol Council and Camelot on back foot as property guardians fight for rights

January 24th: Bristol Council’s decision to dive into the property guardianship game seems to be coming a cropper as several “guardians” have launched legal and direct action challenges demanding something be done about rat-infested and dangerous tenancies in its buildings.

Frack the system: The UK’s hydrocarbon threat

Frack the system: The UK’s hydrocarbon threat

January 21st: With the fracking industry poised to attempt its largest assault on communities across the country to date, and what would be its most significant advance in this country since 2011 if not resisted, it seems an appropriate time to take a look back at what has led to this threat we are facing and examine

Campaign squats hit Leicester and Oxford as Apollo House resists eviction

Campaign squats hit Leicester and Oxford as Apollo House resists eviction

January 12th: Campaigners against homelessness in Leicester have shifted from the city’s Jubilee Square to the grounds of its oldest medieval house as the weather gets more damp and cold, calling for the government to end its deadly cuts to support services.

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

January 9th: Every year the anarchist movement has its biggest get-together at the London Anarchist Bookfair at the end of October.

From Wigan to NYC: Prison solidarity at year’s end

From Wigan to NYC: Prison solidarity at year’s end

December 26th: New Year’s Eve is pushed as a time of year to go out and let your hair down, usually by going to some horribly overpriced, overcrowded club and drinking in an effort to forget the last 12 months.