Freedom News

Anonymous group claims acid sabotage on superjail’s foundations

February 21st: An anonymous group claiming responsibility for a raid on controversial superjail HMP Berwyn in May 2015 which destroyed the engines of diggers and construction equipment has said in a letter to insurrectionist site 325.nostate that they also fatally undermined houseblocks with acid powder shortly afterwards.

Anti-fracking update: Mobilisation tour kicks off Monday

February 16th: As part of its campaign to keep shale gas deposits in the ground, campaign group Reclaim the Power will be kicking off a two-week campaign with local groups across Britain, aiming to bring together information on the industry’s latest plans and operations.

freedom mark

Obituary: Simon Chapman, A Very Distinguished Fucking Anarchist

February 14th: Over the last couple of days the strangest thought has plagued me.  Two simple ugly words have kept emerging, only for me to lock them out and ridicule them as bizarre.  Simon’s dead.  Just to write it down feels like treachery.  Part of me looks forward to seeing him, to sharing a drink and dispelling

Met Police finally apologise to spycop abuse survivor

February 7th: Sarah Hampton has become the latest woman abused by undercover police to secure an apology in the fallout from the spycops inquiry.

Empty Cages announce first No More Prisons conference

January 31st: The Empty Cages Collective, a solidarity group supporting prison abolitionists in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff and London, is backing a major new conference aimed at growing the movement nationally and gearing up for a campaign to fight the government as it pushes forward building new megaprisons.

ANAL Belgravia squatters fight off fascist thugs

January 28th: Belgravia squatters the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians (ANAL) report that they fought off an attack on the 28th from heavies wearing fascist-linked masks, who seem to have been trying to get them out of the mansion belonging to Russian billionaire Andrey Goncharenko that they squatted on Wednesday.

Tories’ Trident cover-up

January 25th: In the last 48 hours it’s emerged that Theresa May has continued the Conservative party tradition of cover-up and lying in relation to nuclear weapons.

Bristol Council and Camelot on back foot as property guardians fight for rights

January 24th: Bristol Council’s decision to dive into the property guardianship game seems to be coming a cropper as several “guardians” have launched legal and direct action challenges demanding something be done about rat-infested and dangerous tenancies in its buildings.

Harrods union workers win tips fight!

January 20th: After a month-long campaign, the 483 porters, waiters and chefs who work in Harrods’ restaurants and catering services have been told they will be getting 100% of the tips given by customers — potentially adding to up to £5,000 per person per year.

Striking cleaners picket in Paddington over rail dispute

January 19th: Outsourced cleaners on First Great Western Railway (GWR) mounted a rowdy picket at 7am this morning to push for the firm to bring them in-house with parity of conditions with their colleagues.