Freedom News

Stop Tommy, Stop the Racists demo callout

July 26th: On Saturday 3rd August London Antifascist Assembly, together with coalition of 33 other groups, are calling for Stop Tommy, Stop the Racists protest to be held in London.

fck govt fck boris: Report from the rally

July 26th: The big event, organised by a wide-ranging coalition of groups from Women’s Strike Assembly and Momentum to BLM UK and Lesbians & Gays support the Migrants, managed to dwarf the “usual suspects” People’s Assembly demo and official Labour rally, but George F’s view from the street was of a resistance which as yet remains too

Deliveroo shames itself again amid work strife

July 22nd: The food delivery firm, which has run into some serious grassroots union organising in recent years, is trying divide and rule tactics against striking couriers – while also pulling a fast one on pay, workers.

Radical summer gatherings get underway

July 17th: Kicking off with the Fast Forward Festival, people hoping to get involved with different politics, build up alternative ways of living and fight for the climate with direct action have a full two months of political festivals ahead.

State goes after 1,000 Extinction Rebellion arrestees

July 10th: The aggressive effort to prosecute is likely part of a major early disruption effort against new waves of climate change protest, police monitoring group Netpol has warned.

London callout: noise demo in solidarity with Barcelona’s war on gentrification

July 7th: On Monday 8th July at 8.30am, activists will gather in front of Blackstone offices at 40 Berkley Square in London W1 J5AL for a noise demo to show solidarity with Barcelona’s residents fighting against gentrification.

Barber bosses go berserk in Brighton wage battle

June 26th: The bizarre confrontation saw two men, who have been accused of ripping off one of their staff in a wages dispute, hold up traffic while throwing an almighty tantrum involving smashed furniture, shirtless pushing and rolling on the floor as they demanded that the Solidarity Federation (SolFed) stop picketing them.

Squatter’s Digest: Festivals and Frontlines

June 23rd: As the riot police continued to batter the last of our barricades, blasting through the structural brickwork of the back entrance to our squat I knew it was time to go.

Italian political prisoners hunger strike against repression

June 21st: Two Italian anarchists, Anna Beniamino and Silvia Ruggeri, on hunger strike for nearly a month, have now been joined by six more comrades in prisons across the country.

‘Unofficial industrial action’ at MGT Power Plant in Teesside enters 5th day

June 5th: The workers at MGT Power Plant in Teesside start day five of their spontaneous protest today.