Freedom News

Cycling instructors to stage protest cycle ride after TfL Cuts leave thousands of children without safe cycle training

October 28th: This Friday, 29th October, cycling instructors are staging a protest cycle-ride from Trafalgar Square to City Hall after TfL suddenly slashed cycling instruction funding for the third quarter of the year.

SOAS Justice for Workers rota dispute victory news

October 27th: Last Monday 18th Oct, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)’s cleaning team won a rota dispute with university management after threatening to take strike action.

Cleaners win back stolen wages after protesting in London Elizabeth Hotel lobby

October 21st: Cleaners at London Elizabeth Hotel have won back £4,733 furlough wages they were denied by outsourced cleaning company Pridegreen after protesting on 2 October.

Activists opposing arms fair hit with police raids

October 15th: Police have conducted 6 raids on activists opposing the AOC 2021 Liverpool Arms Fair, according to direct action and solidarity group Palestine Action.

Temporary Autonomous Arts celebrates 20th anniversary

October 14th: Welcome back Temporary Autonomous Arts - not so temporary after all!

It ain’t over ’til it’s Wendover: Eviction begins on anti HS2 fortress in Buckinghamshire

October 13th: Wendover Active Resistance camp, part of the ongoing direct action campaign against white elephant and eco-atrocity HS2, was surrounded by around a hundred bailiffs, HS2 security and specialist eviction teams in the early hours of Sunday morning (10th October).

Priti Fascist: Another civil liberties crackdown announced

October 7th: Another Tory party conference, another round of law ‘n’ order announcements.

Cleaners at Facebook’s London offices to vote on the possibility of strike action

October 6th: While Facebook has been in the news recently for their massive server crash, along with a number of other embarrassing stories connected to a whistleblower speaking out and leaking internal documents, their London offices are also the site of a much more old-fashioned class struggle.

IWA-AIT call for International Week Against Unpaid Wages

October 5th: The International Workers’ Association – Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA-AIT) called for International Week Against Unpaid Wages, to take place in the third week of October.

Cleaners protest outside London Elizabeth Hotel over withheld furlough wages

October 4th: Last Saturday, cleaners from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) protested outside of the London Elizabeth Hotel in Hyde Park after the London Elizabeth Hotel and outsourced company PRIDEGREEN repeatedly failed to pay them their furlough wages.  One cleaner, Mildre was forced to resign in May 2021 due to the lack of payment.