Freedom News

London: Dalston delivery drivers to protest Hackney Mayor over lack of safe waiting areas

January 19th: Dalston couriers working for app-based firms Deliveroo, UberEats, and JustEat are protesting tomorrow, 20th January, after being forced to wait for orders in all weather at Bentley Road car park, a current COVID testing centre with no shelter or toilets.

North London residents to protest against the construction of Edmonton waste incinerator

January 15th: On Sunday 16th January at 12 noon, North London residents and members from over
 fifty campaign groups will gather at Edmonton Green for a family friendly and socially distanced march in
 protest against the signing of the construction contract between the North London Waste
 Authority (NLWA) and Spanish company ACCIONA scheduled for 18th January.

Sheffield and Blackpool: UK’s longest ever gig-economy pay strike resumes after secret pay talks exposed

January 10th: The UK’s longest ever gig-economy pay strike resumes today as Sheffield and Blackpool couriers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) relaunch industrial action and will picket McDonalds branches every day this week.

Quick Roundup: Bristol Cases

December 18th: This week has seen a number of cases from the rebellious city come before the dock related to both clashes with police and the 2020 toppling of Edward Colston’s statue.

North London is fighting back against the Edmonton incinerator

December 8th: For 50 years the Edmonton incinerator in north London has been burning rubbish that could be recycled and creating toxic air pollution in one of the poorest parts of the UK.

Autonomous Winter Shelter opened in former St. Mungo’s hostel

December 7th: We are occupying the former St.

High Court rules Uber business model unlawful

December 6th: In a landmark victory for the App Drivers & Couriers Union (ADCU), the High Court Administrative Court has today refused Uber’s application to declare its controversial gig-economy business model lawful.

Glasgow: Foster care workers demand action over devastating 20% cut in child allowance

December 6th: As Glasgow City Council begins deliberations over its 2022 budget to be announced in February, local foster care workers with the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) are calling on them to redress its 10 year freeze to the child’s allowance which has impoverished some of Glasgow’s most vulnerable children and was revealed via

Solidarity vigils as deaths in the Channel turn the focus on the UK’s border policy

November 26th: The deaths of twenty seven people in the Channel this week have provoked grief and rage amongst migrants and migrant solidarity activists across the UK and Europe.

Sheffield JustEat Couriers Set to Strike Protest against “Shocking” Pay Cut

November 26th: On Sunday 28 November at 12 noon, Sheffield food delivery couriers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) are protesting outside of Sheffield Town Hall to demand that Stuart delivery cancels a planned pay cut of nearly 25%.