Freedom News

Pushbacks and dehumanisation from Poland: Two reports

October 5th: Are You Syrious?

Colston statue appeal

September 30th: Well first it’s not an appeal it’s an Attorney Generals review under the Criminal Justice Act 1972.

Security staff at UCL to strike over pay as part of campaign against outsourcing

September 27th: Yesterday, outsourced security staff at University College London (UCL) from the IWGB union voted unanimously to take strike action over pay and union recognition, part of a broader campaign to end exploitative outsourcing.

Charges dropped for 5 Palestine Action activists – Elbit and CPS fail to convict once again!

September 24th: Five activists have walked free after taking action to shut down Elbit’s military drone engine factory in Shenstone, Staffordshire.

Judge orders Brighton pub to pay wages to sacked UVW strike leader until final hearing

September 23rd: Former bar manager at Stonegate-leased Brighton pub Saint James Tavern (SJT) and UVW member Jake Marvin applied to the Employment Tribunal in early July for interim relief following his summary sacking just days after the pub workers’ first picket line on June 25.

Aggravated Activism – we take it and we own it

September 22nd: Anarchist Bookfair workshop supports call for celebration of all the “Aggravated Activists” Participants at a workshop organised by Netpol at this year’s Anarchist Bookfair in London have supported a proposal to take on, own and embrace the new police label of “aggravated activism” – by proclaiming and promoting 15 February 2023 as Aggravated Activist Day.

Palestine Action enacts daylight direct action at Israeli arms factory

September 21st: On Sunday, activists once again targeted UAV Engines, the Elbit Systems subsidiary located in the sleepy village of Shenstone, Lichfield.

Fuck the Queen – here’s King Mob: autonomous London defies national obsession with dead lizard

September 20th: On this most special day of the anarcho-calendar, we must say in unison: fuck the Queen.

You can bury your monarch but you can’t bury the crimes of monarchy

September 19th: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (known as Queen Elizabeth II outside of anarchist circles) has died at the age of 96.

Architectural workers threatened with redundancies as they initiate historic strike ballot

September 14th: Following months of being ignored by management after raising issues regarding their pay and conditions, workers at Atomik, a London-based architectural company, are initiating a strike ballot.