Freedom News

A communique from a Palestine Action underground cell

August 8th: It is the first part of a series of actions expected by the new “Palestine Action Underground”, made up of autonomous groups across the country

Rouvikonas bring the heat to those responsible for another climate death

August 6th: Those responsible have names and addresses; we do not expect any investigation; we do not trust the civil justice system.

Statement on the police killing of Karabo Chaka

August 4th: Karabo Chaka was shot dead by the police while in the yard of his family home in Slovo Park.

Ljubljana: Mačjak under threat of eviction

August 3rd: We decided to throw an eviction festival because we do not want to go quietly or want our last moments in Mačjak to be when we feel powerless.

Five Legal Observers suing Met Police for unlawful arrests

August 2nd: Five Legal Observers are suing the Metropolitan Police for their arrests, detention, and assault whilst monitoring police violence at protests..

Houseboaters to ballot for action against license fee hike

July 25th: Members of the National Bargee Traveller Association (NBTA) are gearing up to take on the Canal and River Trust (CRT) over what they say is a sham consultation aimed at imposing punitive fees on people who lack a home mooring.

Security Guards protest against UCL fire-and-rehire scheme 

July 20th: Under the proposed restructure, workers - belonging to a 99% black and brown workforce - will be forced to reapply for jobs with lower salaries or face redundancies.

Climate Camp wraps up after Ineos confrontation

July 19th: Following well-organised protests at the site of Scotland’s biggest polluter the camp at Kinneil, Grangemouth has been tidied away and legal support is now ongoing for nine people who were detained over the weekend.

Many arrested as JSO walks micro-demos through London and spray Exeter event

July 17th: Police have been handing out Public Order Act notices and detaining people since 8.10am this Monday morning as around 180 activists, split into 14 groups, rallied in Lambeth, Victoria, Liverpool Street and other locations.

Protest against racism & solitary confinement in prisons

July 14th: Protest outside the Ministry of Justice by the family and supporters of prisoner Kevan Thakrar to protest him being held in indefinite segregation for 13 years