Freedom News

Oliver Law & The Spanish Civil War

October 15th: On July 19 1936, General Franco, with the backing of Hitler and Mussolini, led a coup against the democratically elected Government of Spain.

From the Land of Proudhon

August 7th: Thom Holterman brings us the first of a regular series of news and book reviews from the French anarchist movement.    I.

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International news in brief

April 30th: CAMBODIA: Protesting garment workers in Cambodia have clashed with police leaving scores injured.

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Notes from the US

November 10th: Crime Ex vice-president Cheney’s former oil company, Halliburton, pleaded guilty in late September to destroying evidence after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Solitary for being an anarchist

November 4th: A prisoner at Pontiac Correctional Centre, Mark Neiweem, has been sent into solitary confinement for possessing literature from the Anarchist Black Cross, and for writing essays on the prison industrial complex.

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Boston bus drivers strike

November 1st: School bus drivers in Boston protest union-busting

Obituary: Herman Wallace

October 5th: A tribute to the Angola Three member, who tragically died three days after his release from prison

Occupation of Wall Street

September 20th: The dawn of a new American uprising, or a formulaic reaction bound to fizzle out?

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What’s Iraqi for ‘Newspeak?’

July 10th: The media fanfare pronouncing that ‘sovereignty’ was transferred back to the Iraqis at the end of June showed how it bows down to power.