Freedom News

Greece: Anarchists call for solidarity as deaths mount at refugee camps

February 5th: In this statement originally posted to the website of anarcho-syndicalist organisation Rocinante on February 2nd, the Greek group is calling for solidarity with refugees who have been dying at camps on the border with Turkey.

France: How union leaders destroyed the movement against El Khomri

February 3rd: A militant reflects on the struggle against the Socialist Party’s El Khomri law attacking working rights, which brought 1.2 million workers into the streets last year and sparked widespread resistance.

Chile: Guards brutalise anarchist detainees at San Joaquin jail

February 2nd: Prisoners in Chile are reporting that three anarchist women detainees have been brutally beaten at San Joaquin Penitentiary.

Greece: Refugee support centre squatters held in court limbo after eviction

January 29th: A number of anarchists, including international militants Itziar and Iñak (pictured) have had their trial put off yet again in Greece following the violent eviction of three squatted social centres in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Germany: FAU welcomes challenge to law attacking small unions

January 28th: Anarcho-syndicalist union FAU has welcomed legal action from the German Association of Journalists (DJV) and pilot’s union Cockpit as the campaign to try and knock down a controversial Bargaining Unit Act designed to shut down small unions, known as the Tarifeinheitsgesetz (TEG), grows.

Crisis within Crisis, Zimbabwe: As we manufacture our own oppression

January 23rd: In this article originally written for South African anarchist group Zabalaza Anarchist Communist  Front (ZACF), Leroy Maisiri talks about his experience returning to the crisis-beset State.

Slovenia: Squat crackdown hits UPI social centre

January 22nd: Activists at Creative Platform Inde (UPI), one of Slovenia’s most active squatter social centres, have refused to leave after being threatened by the government through its State asset management arm BAMC, which is using the excuse of asbestos safety works.

Crimethinc: A History of Anarchist Counter-Inaugural Protest

January 20th: Thousands of protesters will stream into the streets of Washington, DC on January 20 to oppose the incoming presidency of Donald Trump.

Mexico: State steps up pressure on autonomous Oaxaca groups

January 18th: It appears that Alejandro Avilés, secretary general of Oaxaca State, Mexico, is once again trying to undermine autonomous indigenous organising in the region, as he rushed in troops to back up the new bully-boy president-elect of Santiago Xanica, Ricardo Luría.

Louis Further: Notes from the US

January 13th: Elections hold only a morbid fascination for anarchists, we know they achieve little.