Freedom News

France: March against police killings unites the left

February 28th: Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality.

Brazil: Bloco de Luta takes to streets as comrades put on trial

February 23rd: Solidarity actions and statements from the Block of Struggles for Public Transportation (Bloco de Luta) and its allies took place in Porto Alegre on Tuesday as the long-delayed trial of seven activists in the city began, including a protest at the city hall and an occupation of Avenida Loureiro da Silva.

Belgrade Six finally cleared of terrorism after eight-year court battle

February 19th: Serbian anarchists were celebrating yesterday as the Belgrade High Court finally cleared six people of trumped-up “international terrorism” charges after an eight-year legal battle.

Argentina: Final decision on worker-occupied Bauen hotel due next month

February 17th: What promises to be the final showdown for Argentina’s most famous worker-occupied site will be happening later this month when Hotel Bauen‘s status is brought to the Senate for what they hope will be a confirmation that the business has been finally expropriated from its former owner.

Strike for Democracy in the US

February 15th: Since the day of the election of Donald Trump to office, demonstrations in the USA have continued in response to growing outrage at the right-wing policies and rhetoric of a man who seems destined to ignite previously unknown levels of solidarity across the US.

Louis Further: Notes From the US

February 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Romanian anarchists on anti-corruption protests: It’s elites vs elites

February 13th: Romania has been seeing some of the largest demonstrations in its recent history over a law being proposed by the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) which decriminalises some forms of political corruption.

Turkey: State paramilitaries are destroying Syrian refugees’ tent homes in İzmir

February 11th: As of February 8th, refugees living in tents in the Torbalı and Bayındır districts of İzmir are being evacuated in accordance with district governorate decisions through the intervention of its gendarmerie State paramilitary force.

France: Hundreds rally against police violence as Senate offers officers near-total immunity

February 9th: As people poured onto the streets of cities including Paris, Nantes and Rennes last night to demand justice for Theo, a 22-year-old social worker who was allegedly beaten and raped with a police baton, the French Senate has been examining/considering a new “public security” bill.

Greece: Elleniko refugee camp comes out on hunger strike

February 6th: A majority of the adults being held at Elleniko II refugee camp in the former Athens National Airport are refusing to eat in protest against conditions at the site — and confronted Minister of Migration Mouzoulas earlier today, according to migrant support network infomobile.