Freedom News

Venezuela: A call to anarchists worldwide – solidarity is much more than a written word

May 12th: In this special callout the Editorial Collective of Venezuelan newspaper El Libertario call on anarchists to reject uncritical support for the Maduro regime, as it offers little more to the poor than the capitalists it rails against.

France and the Deliveroo ridearound

May 11th: In France the wildcat strike is certainly the most popular method of protest against Deliveroo, although it is not always the most effective.

Italy: Six arrests in latest raid on Asilo anarchist squat

May 6th: Heavily armed officers from the General Investigations and Special Operations Division of Italy (Digos) broke down the front door and invaded the Asilo Occupato (occupied asylum) building in Turin on Wednesday, arresting six activists.

Brazil: A letter to anarchists in the wake of the general strike

April 30th: In this analysis of recent Brazilian protests, which culminated in a general strike and a riot which shook Rio, Vantiê Clínio Carvalho de Oliveira calls for anarchists to remember — this isn’t about left vs right.

Argentina: Hotel Bauen eviction called off at last minute

April 20th: Famed worker-occupied building Hotel Bauen got a stay of execution last night after the National Chamber of Appeals in Buenos Aires allowed an injunction against its eviction, just hours before the site was due to be forced out.

Venezuela: State Power — when the Left is the problem

April 17th: As protests rise once again on the streets of Caracas, we are witnessing a struggle between the conservative Venezuelan bourgeoisie removed from control of the State apparatus and an emerging middle class which uses the State as a lever of accumulation, writes Raúl Zibechi.

Spain: CGT acquitted of ‘ridiculing Catholicism’ with Procession of the Holy Pussy

April 15th: Early this week a regional court told lawyers for the hardline Christian Advocates Association they would not be allowed to sue the anarcho-syndicalist CGT union for “offending the Catholic religion,” though a number of feminist organisers are still being targeted.

Notes from the US

April 14th: Louis Further brings us his latest update from across the pond, rounding up some of the happenings you won’t have heard of in the land of the “free” Environmental damage One of the most dangerous appointments which Trump has made is that of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Brazil’s criminalised social movements: 2013 never ended

April 13th: Organisations across Brazil have hit out over the last few weeks over the ongoing criminalisation of social movements, in particular the long-running campaign of demonisation and legal gagging against activists from transport campaign Bloco de Luta and the MST landless movement.

Argentina: Worker-occupied Hotel Bauen gets ready to resist April 19th eviction

April 5th: Today marks 14 days to save Argentina’s famed worker-occupied building, after 14 years of continuous working for the community and providing jobs for 140 people.