Freedom News

Hamburg mayor threatens radical sites as Berlin squat rallies against cop siege

August 11th: Intense pressure is being put on German radical social centres in Hamburg and Berlin in the wake of last month’s G20 protests, with Hamburg’s mayor threatening Rote Flora and a round the clock siege of Teppichfabrik, which has prompted a solidarity rally in the capital today.

Argentina: Anarchist still missing after police raid against Mapuche activists

August 9th: People were beaten, houses were burned, antique furniture burned, books were lost forever. Hurricane Gendarmerie went through the town of Cushamen last Monday causing devastation in the name of the Benetton fashion corporation, and one person is still missing — anarchist solidarity activist Santiago Maldonado.

Greece: Karypidis supermarket worker commits suicide after 18 months without pay

August 6th: The Thessaloniki Libertarian Initiative writes about the suicide of a worker in supermarket chain Karypidis, after 18 months in which the firm simply didn’t pay its staff salaries. A few days ago the initiative carried out a protest action outside one of the company’s supermarkets in Thessaloniki (above). This rally was the only collective reaction following the

‘Fifth Act’ marks Chile insurrectionists’ embrace of Project Nemesis

August 2nd: At the end of last year one of Europe’s most infamous insurrectionist anarchist groups, Conspiracy Cells of Fire, announced it would be shifting tactics in its near-decade long campaign against the Greek State in a campaign it dubbed Project Nemesis.

France: The Intergalactic Week of Zad

July 30th: The quiet, wildlife-filled countryside just outside Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes has been a point of massive contention between various French governments and the country’s environmental direct action movement since 2008, when permission was granted to build a €580 million airport serving as “the international gateway” to Western France.

Greek anarchists hit out at Syriza crackdown and Irianna jailing

July 28th: Last month a PhD student named only as “Irianna” by the press was jailed for 13 years for being a member of Greek insurrectionist group Conspiracy of Fire Cells.

Notes from the US

July 13th: Louis Further looks at wealth disparity, institutional racism and environmental issues in the Land of the Free for this month’s column Freedom regularly picks up examples of inequality, of course.

No TAV: A war for the Susa Valley’s soul

July 12th: This month the campaign against high-speed railway line TAV kicked into life once again as construction work began on a project which has been been fought against for decades across Italy, France and Switzerland.

G20: Thoughts on the Summit clashes

July 10th: Freedom hasn’t had the resources to cover the G20 protests hour by hour, a task which has been ably handled by Enough is Enough, It’s Going Down, Plan C, CrimethInc and Insurrection News in the English language.

Russia: After weeks of no hot water, Klin residents block highway – and win within hours

July 6th: Around 150 residents of Klin, around 56 miles north-west of Moscow, blocked the federal Leningrad highway on Monday afternoon because they are tired of going dirty and living with no hot water, which had been out of service for nearly three weeks.