Freedom News

Calls go out for emergency embassy protests for Manus refugees

November 7th: As the Manus Island siege enters its seventh day, with around 600 interred refugees having barricaded themselves against dangerous removal to a temporary site where they fear violence from islanders, the Rise refugee team is calling for solidarity protests today at Australian embassies.

Polish Junior Doctors Call Off Hunger Strike

October 31st: Today Polish junior doctors announced the end of their hunger strike.The strike lasted for 28 days and involved doctors from eight cities.

Greece: Solidarity groups warn of new refugee winter crisis

October 25th: Protests at Vial refugee camp on the Greek-Turkish border coincided with public callouts yesterday for the international community to do something concrete to stop deaths from exposure and cold in the coming winter months.

Anarchists react to the death of Santiago Mondanaldo

October 23rd: On October 20th the Argentine State admitted that the body of anarchist Mapuche solidarity activist Santiago Maldonado had been found in the Chubut river, nearly tree months after his disappearance during a violent police raid on homes near the town of Cushamen. Freedom has collated some of the responses of Santiago’s friends, families and comrades below.

Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum calls for pressure against Iraq assault

October 19th: Below is a statement released by KAF, a Kurdish-speaking anarchist group, in the wake of the recent Iraqi government assault on Kirkuk and other Kurdish-held positions — and against the destructive policies of Marsoud Barzani’s government.

Greece: Why strikes are hitting Lufthansa

October 18th: Over the past few years, under the pretext of the so-called crisis, airlines operating in Greece have carried out a series of wage cuts and layoffs. These are the people who pay the price of the antagonism between multinational companies which have almost absolute control of the sector. The working conditions of wage slaves who continue to

Small American flag recovered amid World Trade Center debris at the Fresh Kills Landfill. 9-11 exhibit at the East Tennessee History Museum. 2003 Smithsonian photo by Hugh Talman.

Louis Further: Notes from the US

October 12th: Our US correspondent Looks at lesser-known stories of the month, including the Trump administration’s latest climate messes, racist policymaking and gun law easing …

Iran: Sohail Arabi thirst strike briefly suspended after seizure

October 7th: Long-term anarchist political prisoner Sohail Arabi briefly started drinking water again on Thursday having experienced a seizure, one week into his total hunger and thirst strike.

Catalonia: CNT calls to “recover the reins of our lives” after general strike

October 4th: In a general statement, the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union has called for yesterday’s general strike to be just the start of a moment where the working class asserts itself against Stats and capital, and goes beyond the question of which ruling class gets to be in charge After the 3-O strike, CNT calls for extending the

Catalonia: Calls for solidarity as general strike looms

October 1st: Anarchists in Catalonia are backing a region-wide general strike for October 3rd and are calling for solidarity actions against the Spanish government as it brutally represses Catalan independence activists.