Freedom News
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French Activist Facing Jail for Assisting Child Migrants

December 19th: French activist Martine Landry is facing jail and a fine after she was charged with “facilitating the entry of two illegal foreign minors”.

Spain: Court Gives 12 Rappers 2 Years Jail Each for Performing a Song

December 17th: Twelve rappers from the group La Insurgencia were sentenced to two years and a day of jail each for “supporting terrorism” in their lyrics.

Notes from the US: Billionare’s Bonanza

December 14th: Freedom correspondent Louis Further rounds up the latest efforts of the US State to bolster polluting and violent industries at the expense of all.

First Balkan IWA Congress takes place in Belgrade

December 12th: Having split in 2015-16 [1][2][3], a much smaller International Workers Association (IWA) gathered in Belgrade last month, a country which as recently as last year was still trying to jail the organisation’s members on spurious terror charges.

Germany: Media firms hand unpublished G20 riot footage to cops

December 11th: Just days after police raided dozens of properties nationwide it has emerged that Hamburg cops were given hundreds of gigabytes of raw footage by major media firms.

Anarkismo Network: Statement of the general meeting

December 10th: European sections of the platformist international have issued a joint declaration on the state of the movement following last month’s gathering in Genoa.

Germany: Cops Raid More Than 20 Properties As Part of G20 Summit Investigation

December 8th: More than 20 properties in several German states were raided as part of ongoing invesitgation by German police special branch (ironically named “Black Block”) into the clashes during G20 summit in Hamburg in July 2017.

Nantes: Students and refugees occupy the castle of Tertre

December 6th: Since 26th November, students occupy the castle of Tertre in Nantes.

Germany: Antifa Blocks AfD Conference

December 4th: The far right anti- immigration Alternative for Germany  (AfD) party conference was delayed for several hours on Saturday due to protests in the city of Hanover.

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

December 3rd: Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement.