Freedom News

Louis Further: Notes from the US

February 14th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Russia: Arrested antifascists talk about torture in prison

February 13th: ‘He Would Check My Pulse by Touching My Neck and Monitor My Condition.’ Arrested Penza Antifascists Talk about Electric Shock Torture in Remand Prison Basement.

Amsterdam: ADM Squat wins in court!

February 8th: In a rather unexpected twist of events, yesterday afternoon Raad van State, the Dutch High Court for administrative law, decided that ADM squat in Amsterdam will not be evicted for the time being and is safe until at least  Summer 2018, when the appeal court case will take place.

Spain: temporary end of the anarchist terrorism myth

February 7th: After a total of 33 arrests, three years of investigation during which hundreds of documents were analysed,  house searches across the country, hours of phone conversations recorded, bank accounts frozen, and, worst of all, after subjecting some of the accused to months of imprisonment, Spain’s Audiencia Nacional tribunal has closed the legal proceedings and state

Russia: arrests and torture of anarchists and antifascists

February 2nd: Two people in St Petersburg and five in Penza (a city in western Russia) are under arrest, while many others have been connected to their cases as witnesses.

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

January 27th: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, an inmate incarnated in Florida State Prison in Raiford and a member of  Prison Chapter of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), is facing charges of “inciting a riot or demonstration” after he penned a letter detailing mistreatment of prisoners by the Florida Department of Corrections.

Ursula Le Guin dies aged 88

January 24th: One of the most influential writers of her generation, author of possibly the most famous anarchist science fiction ever penned, Le Guin passed away at home after a short illness.

France: Progressives prepare to fight Macron anti-migrant laws

January 23rd: Campaigners are gearing up for the next round of fighting against Macron’s planned tightening of deportation laws in the early part of 2018 with a major rally this Saturday.

Greece: Libertatia occupied centre burned by fascists

January 21st: Members of a mass nationalist rally in Thessaloniki attacked and burned a squatted social centre Libertatia in the city today, though fortunately no injuries have been reported.

Australia: Over 200 Detainees in Immigration Detention Commence Hunger Strike

January 18th: Over two hundred detainees at two detention centres, Villawood in Sydney and Maribyrnong in Melbourne, have declared a hunger strike in protest at visiting restrictions recently announced by Border Force.