Freedom News

Greece: general strike paralyzes Athens

November 28th: Athens was brought to standstill today after Greek trade union GSEE called for general strike, inviting all workers, pensioners, students and unemployed to participate.

Refugee crisis: three rescue boats return to Mediterranean

November 26th: Open Arms, Mediterranea, and Sea-Watch 3 will return to sea to continue their search-and-rescue operations, the three NGO rescue ships announced.

Indonesia: hundreds of Papuans arrested over self-determination rally plan

November 20th: Indonesian police and military troops arrested hundreds of Papuans on Monday in order to prevent them protesting in demand of the release of political prisoners and for the support of Asian, Caribbean and Pacific states self-determination.

Notes from the USA

November 18th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Iran: court sentences 15 workers to prison and flogging for striking

November 12th: Fifteen workers of the Heavy Equipment Production Company (HEPCO) were sentenced to prison and flogging in Iran.

Polish president and PM set to join fascist march in Warsaw

November 10th: Tens of thousands of nationalists and fascists from all over Europe plan to march tomorrow in Warsaw to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Polish state independence.

Israel lawmakers to debate death penalty for Palestinian ‘terrorists’

November 6th: Israel’s parliament is plannig to renew a debate next week on a bill that would make it easier to sentence Palestinians to death, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said today.

Fortress Europe: illegal push-backs and border violence report

November 5th: This harrowing report presents testimonies of refugee people attempting to reach the safety of Europe from Bosnia into Croatia and Slovenia.

The Unmasking Antifa Act: Behind the Mask of History

October 30th: On the 86th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street where anti-fascist Londoners fought and stopped fascists marching through the primarily Jewish section of East London, it’s important to know the history of anti-fascism and the current surge in fascism.

Report from the Bosnian-Croatian Border

October 29th: We ask all the responsible institutions to take necessary measures and to open the border with Croatia.