Freedom News

Iceland: police use teargas against refugee rights protest

March 12th: The police in Iceland have used teargas and reacted rather violently on Monday when asylum seekers protested wanting to draw attention to the inhumane conditions they live in, Refugees in Iceland have reported.  Yesterday’s protest was the fourth in the recent weeks.  In the invitation to the gathering, the No Borders Iceland stated: “In the

Russia: court extends arrest order against anarchist Azat Miftakhov

March 5th: The Golovinsky Court of Moscow has extended until 7th April the pre-trial detention of Moscow State University student Azat Miftakhov.

Russia: Slaver killed during uprising

February 25th: Reports from the village of Vanzezat, Beloyarsky District say the “local businessman” was shot dead by one of the people he had illegally pressed into work.

Germany: State tries to block university anarchist groups

February 24th: Federal security agency the BfV was caught recently making a bizarre intervention at Leipzig University to demand anarcho-syndicalist union branch FAU Leipzig be banned from holding an introductory meeting during freshers week.

Notes from the US: Anti-Semitism enshrined in law

February 17th: In perhaps Trump’s more startling act of discrimination yet, it was announced recently that it will now be legal for adoption agencies to refuse to help same sex couples and potential parents where one or both partners are Jewish.

Russia: Tortured anarchist detained again for ‘hooliganism’

February 13th: A Moscow court yesterday denied bail to Azat Miftakhov on the charge, which has seemingly been brought because the State was unable to justify earlier terror-related allegations.

Poland: Mysterious ‘Carrier Pigeon Flu’ keeps postal workers at home

February 9th: Since the start of the month the epidemic, which workers believe has been caused by overwork due to poor working conditions, has spread to over 40 post offices throughout Poland.

South Africa: ANC deploys Apartheid-era tactics against land occupation

February 4th: The eThekwini Municipality is expecting delivery of four Casspirs – armoured vehicles originally deployed during Apartheid to repress black communities, and now being used to repress political land occupations, reports Abahlali baseMjondolo.

Torture and one person missing: new wave of repressions against Russian anarchists

February 3rd: At early hours of Friday 1st February, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) raided several flats in Moscow, arresting 10 people under “conspiracy charges”.

France: Act 12 rallies in face of repression

February 2nd: After months of clashes, “Act 12” of the main Gilet Jaunes (yellow vest) marches today is setting itself squarely against police and fascist violence – and calls are growing for a general strike.