Freedom News

Greece: anarchists raid Athens Voice offices in protest at ‘funny comment’ regarding the death of migrant woman

July 5th: Anarchists from  Rouvikonas (Greek for Rubicon) group have raided the offices of Athens Voice newspaper in Athens in protest at a ‘funny comment’ the paper made in relation to the death of Gayane Kassardjian.

Canada: call for solidarity with Hamilton Pride defenders

June 26th: On 15th of June, the Pride March in Hamilton, Ontario, was attacked by a group of far right activists, christian fundamentalists and downright neo-nazis.

Notes from the US: The mockery of climate crisis

June 18th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

Statement against repression of resistance in Greece

June 12th: After being identified following the attack on the Greek Parliament building on May 21st – an action in support of Dimitris Koufontinas, a comrade imprisoned for life who is on a hunger strike – two activists must collect 60,000 euros before 14 June, otherwise they will spend 10 years in jail.

An open letter to tourists in Bali

June 8th: The following texts are from a zine  Poster and Protester: Propagila’s Protest Posters of “Bali Social Movement to Reject the Reclamation of Benoa Bay”, published by HC/Punk Collective in Bali Denpasar Kolektif in April 2019.

One of the oldest European squats calls for solidarity in face of eviction threat

June 6th: Rozbrat, an anarchist squatted space in Poland, has called for solidarity in face of eviction threat.

What will the European Games bring to ordinary Belarusians?

May 27th: As Minsk prepares to hold another sports mega event this summer, it’s worth thinking about the people who have to bear the cost.

The story of Poland’s wild-living cows who were sentenced to slaughter

May 22nd: At the beginning of the month, some of you may have noticed news reports in the English speaking media reporting that some 185 cows are living wild in Poland after being abandoned by their carers.

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

May 20th: Germany’s largest pro immigration advocacy organization PRO ASYL, together with Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) have urged the European Asylum Support Office  (EASO) to release a potentially crucial report on the Turkish asylum system.

Notes from the US

May 15th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.