Freedom News

Notes from the US

January 13th: Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks.

The Anarchist Era Collective’s statement on the assassination of an Iranian state terrorist

January 3rd: Qasem Soleimani has long tormented the people and we congratulate the survivors of his crimes in the Middle East, particularly Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Russia: prosecutor demands prison sentences of 6 to 18 years for anarchist defendants in “Network” case

December 28th: The prosecutor in charge of the so-called “Network” aka Penza/St Petersburgh case demanded on 26th December prison time between 6 and 18 years for seven defendants.

France: Far-right mob attack gay bar and left-wing hangout in masked rampage through Le Mans

December 16th: On Saturday night, a mob of forty far-right militants, carrying iron bars, baseballs bats and batons, rampaged through the city of Le Mans, France attacking the city’s only gay bar, as well as well-known left-wing haunt, Le Lézard.

Notes from the US: Land of the Free (citation needed)

December 16th: Louis Further rounds up some of the horror show that’s been ongoing in the background of US politics this month.

French anarchists on the strike for pensions

December 6th: The following statement from France’s anarchist CNT-AIT union analyses the nature of yesterday’s general strike, which has brought out millions of people and affected everything from schools and transport to legal services and hospitals.

Italy: Anarchist arrested for alleged bomb manufacture

December 3rd: Giuseppe Sciacca is the latest person to have been detained over attacks aimed at shutting down migrant detention facilities following raids which closed the Asilo Occupato social centre in Turin on February 7th.

Courtesy of Guy Smallman

We are here, even if Macron doesn’t want it: One year of the Gilets Jaunes

December 1st: On November 16th the Gilets Jaunes movement marked one year since it burst onto the scene and threw a spanner in the works of President Macron’s agenda.


The Revolt in Iran

November 28th: There is open revolt in the Iran and for some reason and no one seems to be talking about it.

Greece: Anarchists defiant amid eviction threat to occupied social centres

November 27th: The Greek State has given occupied social centres a deadline of December 5th to leave or face heavy force aimed at removing them.