Freedom News
CNT create an anarchist version of WhatsApp

CNT create an anarchist version of WhatsApp

April 14th: The IT branch of CNT has created an app called “SinGuasa”, the name is a pun using the slang term guasa “joking”, which combined with the negative preposition “sin” (without) sounds similar to the Spanish pronunciation of the famous messaging application WhatsApp.
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March 1st: Protests will be held Britain-wide on March 2nd to denounce US based company Maximus and its takeover of the Work Capability Assessment, previously run by the French IT company ATOS.

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Burn Up, Don’t Burn Out: Mental Health and Freedom.

December 16th: Last week, I documented the events at Warwick Uni and the police brutality that followed a peaceful sit in.

Penny Mordaunt vs The FBU

Penny Mordaunt vs The FBU

November 30th: On Sunday the boss’ tabloids were all over the same story.

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

The Badger Cull: Not Just About Badgers

September 15th: September 8th marked the start of another season of Badger Culling, a practice deemed by most to be both unwanted and unnecessary.