Freedom News
The lie of a bloodthirsty empire

The lie of a bloodthirsty empire

December 5th: Political artists Andrei Molodkin and Santiago Sierra, and Wikileaks ambassador Joseph Farrell, talk to A/POLITICAL about the sham of Western liberty, Julian Assange, and how art can still transform pain into defiance ~ Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan ~ The heightened tensions of international politics are reflected in the work of Andrei Molodkin (Russia, 1966) and Santiago Sierra
Peter Kennard: “My art erupts from outrage”

Peter Kennard: “My art erupts from outrage”

October 17th: Now on show at Whitechapel Gallery, his work since the 1970s includes some of Britain’s most iconic images of resistance ~ Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan ~ Since the 1970s, Peter Kennard has produced some of Britain’s most iconic and influential images of resistance and dissent.

Searching for Utopia in “Megalopolis”

Searching for Utopia in “Megalopolis”

October 6th: Spoilers ahead: Did David Graeber really influence Francis Ford Coppola’s vision of the film?

On the practices of radical punk

On the practices of radical punk

October 4th: From shows in squats to militant action, punk shows the convergence between class consciousness, psychedelic consciousness, and consciousness-raising (1/3) ~ Alex Ratcharge, from Audimat ~ For all intents and purposes, let us say that I am neither a theoretician, nor a philosopher, nor a specialist in political matters, but a humble 40-year-old reader, also a fanzine publisher and the author of a novel (Shortcut to Nowhere) exploring the world of punk and autonomous squats in France and Navarre – fictions inspired by my experience since, to quote NOFX, “I've been a punk- rocker for most of my life”