Arts & Culture
The lie of a bloodthirsty empire
December 5th: Political artists Andrei Molodkin and Santiago Sierra, and Wikileaks ambassador Joseph Farrell, talk to A/POLITICAL about the sham of Western liberty, Julian Assange, and how art can still transform pain into defiance ~ Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan ~ The heightened tensions of international politics are reflected in the work of Andrei Molodkin (Russia, 1966) and Santiago SierraPeter Kennard: “My art erupts from outrage”
October 17th: Now on show at Whitechapel Gallery, his work since the 1970s includes some of Britain’s most iconic images of resistance ~ Becky Haghpanah-Shirwan ~ Since the 1970s, Peter Kennard has produced some of Britain’s most iconic and influential images of resistance and dissent.
Searching for Utopia in “Megalopolis”
October 6th: Spoilers ahead: Did David Graeber really influence Francis Ford Coppola’s vision of the film?
On the practices of radical punk
October 4th: From shows in squats to militant action, punk shows the convergence between class consciousness, psychedelic consciousness, and consciousness-raising (1/3) ~ Alex Ratcharge, from Audimat ~ For all intents and purposes, let us say that I am neither a theoretician, nor a philosopher, nor a specialist in political matters, but a humble 40-year-old reader, also a fanzine publisher and the author of a novel (Shortcut to Nowhere) exploring the world of punk and autonomous squats in France and Navarre – fictions inspired by my experience since, to quote NOFX, “I've been a punk- rocker for most of my life”