Freedom News

The summer of discontent, in search of a spark

August 3rd: The planet burns, the bills get higher; the workers strike and here we are waiting to be told by fewer than 200,000 Tories who our next prime minister will be.

The spectacular demise of Boris Johnson and what comes next

July 8th: Boris Johnson’s demise as prime minister was destined to be spectacular.

Charles: the interfering royal with bags of cash and laws made just for him

July 4th: Last month I wrote about the showy jubilee celebrations and how it wouldn’t be long before the show is over, leaving us with the reality of monarchy.

The freedom to do as you’re told

June 21st: Ever since the RMT announced a mighty three days of strike action on the railway lines the press has gone into overdrive in condemnation, followed by its loyal social media echo chamber.

Covid: living with it

June 12th: On February 21st 2022, Boris Johnson announced the end of most Covid restrictions in England.

An anti-fascist message from the shadows of Central and Eastern Europe

June 8th: In this long read Czech Antifa explain their perspective on the Ukrainian conflict, critique primarily Western logics surrounding much of the debate which has emerged, and address what they see as forms of colonial hangover which have hamstrung responses to Russian imperialism.

The last jubilee

June 7th: Now that it’s over perhaps we can have a discussion about making sure that was that last jubilee weekend we have to suffer.

Happy cost of living crisis to one and all: here are some fun Jubilee facts to bring out at street parties

June 3rd: The royals cost the taxpayer £76.1m annually, officially.

Property guardianship as class treachery? Boycott launched after 113% rent rise

May 23rd: We call here for solidarity as the tenants of particularly disgraceful guardianship company Dot Dot Dot prepare for a rent strike in association with the London Renter's Union

‘In absence there is greater presence’

May 15th: Farrah Akbik reflects on the aftermath of the shooting of journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh by Israeli soldiers and the incredible disrespect which has been shown.