Freedom News

The End of Dogma: #KeepCorbyn as a transitional demand.

June 30th: The current crisis in the British establishment is an unprecedented one.

A divided Kingdom: Thoughts on Brexit

June 25th: The not so United Kingdom has voted to leave the EU.

In or Out the ruling class will win and Fortress Europe will remain. Unless we dismantle it.

May 25th: People in Britain will be given a mockery of choice in the upcoming European elections.

The direction of radical movements – on Nuit Debout and the potential for radical change

April 24th: Within radical politics, there are many opportunities for political action.

The struggle against climate change can only happen in reality

April 6th: With an ecological crisis currently at hand, there is no time to waste to fight for a health inhabitable planet.

The left needs to stop celebrating the resignation of Iain Duncan Smith

March 20th: Based on the reaction of usually coherent lefties on my social media feeds you’d have thought Margaret Thatcher had been resurrected from the grave, only to be slaughtered by the ghost of Tony Benn.

When Marches Work

March 13th: By Graham of East London Radical Assembly and London Anarchist Federation The left loves marching.

It’s hard to care about litter whilst the government cuts the legs out from underneath deprived communities

February 28th: The #cleanforthequeen campaign is disgusting.

MPs Are Scared. So They Should Be!

February 5th: The recent report into violence and aggression shown towards MPs reveals an astonishing lack of awareness amongst our elected representatives when it comes to the effects of their policies.

The Heathrow 13 are victims of state repression – and a culture of passive resistance

January 31st: On July 13th last year, environmental activists from Plane Stupid occupied the north runway at Heathrow – chaining themselves to a metal fence and each other to form a blockade.