Freedom News
Pic: Gary Knight/CC

Reclaim the Power: Cuadrilla’s assumption of victory is sheer arrogance

January 6th: Among the many attempted fracking projects being pushed forward in Britain this year, Preston New Road has been a site of particularly strong resistance.

Turkey: Meydan anarchists — ‘we are being cornered’

January 5th: Late last month the editor of Meydan anarchist newspaper in Istanbul was sentenced to a year and three months in prison for “supporting terror,” the latest in a string of attempts by the Turkish State to shut down dissenting voices against Erdogan’s government.

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Notes from the US

December 18th: Louis Further’s regular roundup column with analysis and news from North America that you might have missed.

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Anarchy in the UK: A Changed Political Landscape

December 7th: This article is the first in a series by Jon Bigger looking at gains the voices of social conservatism have made in recent years and what that means for anarchist politics.

Anarchism and the Italian referendum

December 4th: The statement below by the Sicilian Anarchist Federation (original Italian version here) addresses the referendum on changes to the national constitution which took place on December 4th.

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So we’re out of Europe…

November 30th: In the months leading up this year’s referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the European Union I observed lots of discussion — mainly on social media — between anarchists who intended on engaging with the ballot box for the first time in a long time, or in some cases, the first time ever.

British Hospitality

October 20th: Joseph walked up to the front door of Number Seven with some foreboding.

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Troubled Families Fund: Of course it failed

October 18th: One of the big problems with how mental health problems are dealt with in Britain is time.

Women in charge is not feminism: the fight against institutional patriarchy

July 16th: On a surface level, it seems as though feminism is winning the gender war.

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma

July 4th: A few days ago Freedom published an article called, “The End of Dogma #keepcorbyn as a Transitional Demand.”