Freedom News

A Stab with the Royal Chipolata

September 8th: And you think you’re so clever and classless and free, But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see ~ John Lennon, Working Class Hero   Nothing says “you’re still fucking peasants” quite like the news of a new royal baby.

Personal account from IPP prisoner Ian Hartley

August 15th: Ian Hartley is currently imprisoned on an IPP sentence in HMP Risley.

Solidarity and Empathy in the Summer of 2017

August 8th: The idea that we are in competition with each other for resources is perhaps the most corrosive myth we’ve created.

Forget the Judge Led Inquiry – Grenfell Needs a People’s Inquiry

July 7th: The Grenfell Tower disaster shows British capitalism up for what it is.

Do not vote, it only encourages them

June 1st: Cartoonist and longtime Freedom contributor Donald Rooum has seen more “radical” governments than today’s offerings come and go, and has a little reminder for people who get too excited by Statist “democracy.” Do not believe the media which exhort you to vote for Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn.

Call COBRA, that’ll sort it

May 24th: The reaction to any terror bombing in any Western nation is as predictable as the tides and, with its own eccentricities, Britain is no exception.

Ilka Oliva Corado: The office of maid

May 2nd: The author, who grew up selling ice-cream on the streets of Peronia city, Guatemala, before crossing to the US as an undocumented migrant, writes on the life of the maid.

Brazil: A letter to anarchists in the wake of the general strike

April 30th: In this analysis of recent Brazilian protests, which culminated in a general strike and a riot which shook Rio, Vantiê Clínio Carvalho de Oliveira calls for anarchists to remember — this isn’t about left vs right.

Good gravy not another bloody election…

April 18th: As I write, a million words are being typed on the same subject as quickly as fingers can slam downwards, in a quest to shovel something regarding Theresa May’s election plans onto front pages around the world within the next few minutes.

We must end the toffsplaining of capitalism

April 8th: The UK leaving the European Union naturally dominates the news in Britain.