Freedom News

Are Amazon digging a hole for themselves at Tilbury?

December 10th: Since the Amazon distribution facility opened in Tilbury at the start of October, over 600 workers have either quit because the working conditions are so bad or they’ve been sacked for failing to meet onerous productivity targets.

Greek Floods and Gentrification

November 30th: In November, flash floods caused by heavy overnight rain have killed at least 23 people and caused significant destruction in central Greece.

It was bosses who killed journalism, not the internet

November 25th: A journalist reflects on their experiences over the last two decades of working in local news, arguing that bosses’ monopolistic mismanagement drove the regional papers into the dirt and it’s long past time they stopped blaming others for their failings.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 20th: The Transgender Day of Remembrance, held annually since November 20, 1999, is a day of remembrance to commemorate the world’s average of about 300 trans people killed each year due to anti- trans hatred and violence.

New Law Makes Refusal to Disclose Nationality an Offence

November 19th: Since 13th November, courts have been ordered under section 162 of the Policing and Crime Act 2017 to ascertain defendants’ personal details, including nationality, when they attend at the start of a case.  The new law can be seen as yet another measure introduced by the Tory government to make the lives of migrants in

Imagine all our rulers, at each others’ throats

November 11th: Jon Bigger looks at the fault lines which have been opening in the ruling classes’ united front, and has a suggestion to help them with their woes…

At the anarchist bookfair: Freedom’s new site, books, journal and archive!

October 27th: Many regular Freedom readers will be aware that the last few years have been tumultuous at the Press, with the near-catastrophic fire in 2013, closing the paper as a regular production in 2014, the reorganising of our publishing enterprise in 2015, a survey in 2016 which suggested we would need to raise a whopping £40,000

‘£10 billion to worsen the housing crisis’

October 5th: The Radical Housing Network has responded to Prime Minister Theresa May’s conference announcement on housing with a scathing review: May is pumping £10 billion into a housing policy that worsens the housing crisis: Help to Buy has kept house prices high, provides subsidies to a small number of people, and does nothing to address the

Catalonia: On referendums and government spending

September 24th: Writing for Spanish anarchist website A Las Barricadas, Acratosaurio rex explores the bizarre spectacle of Spain’s central government spending tens of millions of Euros on preparations for an extreme police crackdown against Catalonia, partly on the grounds of saving money that would otherwise be “wastefully” spent on an independence referendum by the regional administration.

freedom mark

Survivors of spycop abuse hit out at official inquiry as two years pass with little progress

September 22nd: Yesterday, 13 women who were deceived into intimate sexual relationships with undercover policemen over a period spanning nearly 30 years wrote to the Home Secretary to raise concerns about the progress and recent direction of the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing.