Freedom News

Surviving Zad’s uncertain future

February 10th: Zad’s Council for the Maintenance of Occupations takes an in-depth look at the French State’s latest divide-and-rule project in the wake of their famous victory over the  Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport.

Class War defeat Qatari Royals and protect protest rights

February 9th: There’s something delicious about seeing very rich and powerful people take on a fight and then realise they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

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Diverse, Decentralized, Non-Binary: Iran Popular Uprising Defies Outdated Narratives

February 1st: The protests presently gripping Iran are proving as difficult for the mainstream media to pigeonhole as they are for the Iranian state to pin back.

Basildon: Study of a tower killing

January 25th: The slow death of public residential blocks and resurrection as luxury apartments is well documented in the major cities, but as The Stirrer notes, market town councils are busily trying to emulate the poisonous process nationwide.

Trump’s UK visit and the royal wedding offer avenues for mass action

January 8th: In this month’s column Jon Bigger looks at the possibilities for protest as the US President considers a British jaunt and and another Windsor marriage loom.

Argentina: Macri’s conservative policies won’t pass

January 2nd: Federico Abal writes on the broad repression of progressives which is being carried out by the Macri government, and how people are fighting back including with a mass march on December 18th.

PeaceTech: World peace through … corporate training?

December 27th: In another age, an industry-leading company joining up with the US government to identify and co-opt startups in foreign nations might have been regarded as dodgy.

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National Action’s fate – Nazi ideology, Anti-fascism and the State

December 16th: This article by Mark Hayes examines the emergence of a relatively new (and short-lived) Nazi organisation in Britain – National Action (NA).

You Cannot Burn Us All: the Issue of Communal Housing Privatisation in Poland

December 13th: Privatisation has many faces.

Reflections on Anarchist Organising

December 12th: In his latest column, Jon Bigger reflects on grassroots anarchist organising.