Freedom News

FRONTEX heralds better border control as reducing migration to a “manageable” level while giving a tacit nod of approval to sadistic policies

August 24th: In a report released on 7th August, FRONTEX adulated at the decrease of “migration flow” from the end of 2015 until now.

Trade unions and the tech void

August 15th: Maurice Reclus considers the problems with organising at firms which are heavily virtualised and sited across multiple countries.

The Myth of a left wing Brexit

August 12th: Brexit may have sections of the UK’s ruling elite at each other’s throat but it should be clear to everyone by now that while there will be winners and losers in that battle, the situation for the vast majority of us will continue to get worse.

Communism: A short guide for confused journalists

July 25th: Following Ash Sarkar’s recent “I’m literally a communist” moment on Good Morning Britain, there’s been a lot of fairly messy attempts by media names to explain what communism is — hopefully the following will help them out (apologies for the elderly Drake meme).

Get TERFs out of Feminism

July 23rd: The London Pride parade was derailed this year by a transphobic group of women who broke into it and despite not having parade passes were then allowed to lead.

Edinburgh Bookfair: ‘Vibrant, engaged, queer, feminist’

July 22nd: In this short reaction piece, a collective member from radical retailer Lighthouse Books comments on the hugely positive takeaways from yesterday’s inaugural Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair.

Fuck Assad, fuck his Western lackeys: An anarchist statement on Eva Bartlett

July 10th: Tomorrow Eva Bartlett, a self-appointed “independent journalist” who fancies herself an expert on Middle East will be speaking in London.

Can anarchists give Trump the welcome he deserves?

July 4th: Ever since Trump became President of the USA there’s been the prospect of him visiting the UK and the chance for direct action.

Why we fight the TERF war

July 3rd: The past year has seen a reprehensible mobilization of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists – known (much to their outrage) as TERFs – people who deny that trans women are women and use this ideological position as a basis to incite violence and repression against the trans community.

The 2017 General Election – One Year On

June 16th: Jon Bigger looks over the stumbling Parliamentary scene as Theresa May struggles with Brexit and Ireland.