Freedom News

AF: Back the Earth Strike!

September 4th: In the following statement, the Anarchist Federation calls to mobilise in support of Earth Strike, a global general strike call in support of the climate set for September 20th which has drawn support from hundreds of organisations.

Johnson Prorogues Parliament: A Very British Coup?

September 3rd: Johnson has prorogued parliament, stripping parliamentary oversight at a key moment in order to force through his damaging no-deal Brexit plan.

Work until you die

August 23rd: A report by the Centre for Social Justice has proposed raising the pension age to 70 by 2028 and 75 by 2035: Tory’s plan to raise the state pension age to 75 over the next 16 years.

Review: Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War, 1900-1918

August 6th: Anarcho reviews the first of a series of four books which aim to outline the range and nature of libertarian organisations and views in the twentieth century.

Class War’s Poor Doors Victory – An Insider’s View

July 24th: In July 2014 a number of people from Class War had gathered in South Norwood for the opening of the Sensible Garden, a strip of unused land reclaimed by the South Norwood Tourist Board for the community.

No housemate is a problem

July 21st: More and more people flock to affluent urban centres with highly competitive housing markets, which make finding accommodations a real struggle.

Sorry Officer, I really could not say

July 14th: A lot of the time over the last couple of years of discussing gender regulation and self ID I’ve been having a rhetorical move pulled on me which I’m going to pick apart.

The next UK election could be terrifying

July 13th: If there’s a general election in 2019 I’m starting to feel really uneasy about it.

SYRIZA’s “long march through the institutions” comes to an end?

July 11th: On July 7th the SYRIZA party (Coalition of the Radical Left) lost the Greek national elections to the conservative New Democracy with a bitter 8% difference, allowing the latter to form a self-reliance government (something which had not happen since the beginning of the crisis in 2008).

As the shine rubs off Labour, what next?

July 8th: The Autumn of 2015 and the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader was as much of an earthquake for the anarchists as it was for what is now known as the “centrist tinge” of party politics.