Freedom News Freedom News

Greetings comrades!

It's been a busy summer at Angel Alley so there's a fair bit to get through in this newsletter, including the launch of our latest book, preparations and pre-orders for our forthcoming one, the printing of our next Freedom paper, and of course the view from the 2021 London anarchist bookfair. Plus see a little further down to find out about an upcoming role with the collective as one of our co-ordinators is moving on after three years of getting the shop quite literally in order.

The London Bookfair

After four years it was great to see the re-emergence of Anarchist Christmas, returning to an old stamping ground at Conway Hall. Covid restrictions meant that everyone got the one table, but we were able to make the best of it! It was lovely seeing folks such as Peter Good of The Cunningham Amendment and Class War's Ian Bone out and about.

With four years having elapsed since our previous London outing we had a bundle of books old and new to sell including A Beautiful Idea, Invisible, Anarchism is Movement, Fighting Women and many more. But the stars of the show were the new edition of Why Work? (see below for more) and our latest edition of the Freedom Journal — which continues 85 straight years of publication since Spain and The World in 1936

Why Work is Out Now!

Following on from Memoirs of a Revolutionist in May we got straight to work on Why Work's third edition over the latter part of the Spring, which features a new introduction by Shiri Shalmy of Cooperation Town and Anti-University and a number of new essays on the nature of work under capital, our attitudes and compromises towards it and how its impact on our lives is shifting over time... 

Buy it here

A Normal Life: Available for pre-order

Our next project is something of a departure from our normal work and a story in itself. Vassilis, a man still on the run after breaking out of Korydallos prison by helicopter in 2009 for the second time, tells his quite extraordinary life story as a professional robber and illegalist, from his attempted demolition of prisons to the largest bank heist ever undertaken in Greece. Known under various nicknames, most famously The Greek Robin Hood and, to anarchists, as St Basil (the Greek Santa), he is a household name in his homeland and his book was an instant bestseller there.

We are also fortunate to have secured a foreword from noted Greek anarchist Polykarpos Georgiadis, which helps put Vassilis' story in context. Polykarpos remains in prison today, and his notes were smuggled out to appear in the book. We're now in the final rush to get everything done before its official launch in November, but if you fancy learning more and getting a copy at a pre-order discount check out the Freedom sales page! 

Buy it here

Finding a new bookshop co-ordinator

And finally, we are sad to announce the departure of our very excellent co-ordinator Jim Jepps, who has moved away from London to pastures new. Jim, who has written some reflections on his role in the latest journal, did a cracking job alongside our other co-ordinator in making the shop into a welcoming space filled with a truly enormous range of libertarian socialist literature and we wish him all the best!

This does mean however that we have had to begin the search for a replacement to fill his role, with a focus on finding someone with a general background in libertarian left politics, as well as ideally knowing their way round a bookshop environment. If you think that could be you, check out full details of the role and what it entails here.

Sophia Kropotkin (and a trip to Hartlepool)
Notes and an extract on the life of an under-researched figure of revolutionary Europe. There are many frustrating aspects of researching the lives of historic women revolutionaries. While many were…
COP26: Day of action locations map launched
With preparations ramping up for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow this November, a coalition of campaigns has launched a map of events taking place across…
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: the new tax rise
Boris Johnson has recently announced a 1.25% tax increase on national insurance in order to ‘help provide greater funding for health and social care.’ This specific increase is advertised as…
It ain't liberation until it's total liberation
The Total Liberation Club reflects on Do or Die Magazine, Earth First! and the rich tradition of eco-anarchism. In the last piece we wrote for Freedom we defended some aspects…
IWGB launches #ShameOnOcado campaign as BAME key worker jobs threatened after whistleblowing on outsourcing and poverty pay
Ocado workers represented by the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) at the corporation’s West London depot have voted to launch a campaign against Ocado, promising to escalate protests…




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