Freedom News

The stability of the Brexit shambles

I wrote on many occasions during the Brexit process that the initial referendum was really an invitation from David Cameron for the British public to become embroiled in a largely internal Tory Party battle. The public duly obliged by siding with either Leave or Remain. Leave wasn’t the result Cameron expected. A general election and

Johnson Prorogues Parliament: A Very British Coup?

Johnson has prorogued parliament, stripping parliamentary oversight at a key moment in order to force through his damaging no-deal Brexit plan. People across the country are responding to this with anger, and rightly so, it is an affront to the notion of British democracy that our legislature should be suspended at a point like this,

It’s hard to care about litter whilst the government cuts the legs out from underneath deprived communities

The #cleanforthequeen campaign is disgusting. Whilst communities across the country suffer from long term deprivation,  austerity and gentrification, the campaign – backed by Country Life and Keep Britain Tidy –  expects people to do hours of unpaid labour to honour a woman who’s leeched off the rest of us for decades. These anti-litter drives are mostly