Freedom News

New guides: The Renter’s Checklist

As Covid lockdown support is withdrawn a number of groups are beginning to bring out guides and support for people finding themselves at the mercy of the benefits system and landlord reprisal. Things are going to be getting particularly rough as of August 23rd when the current evictions ban runs out, and information on people’s

The surveillance state doesn’t want you to mask up

Right-wing anti-face mask activism has been a mass phenomenon in the US on the grounds of individual freedoms, but seems to be edging into left-libertarian discourse as well — this is not necessarily a good thing. There’s several reasons why wearing a mask might not be a fair request. Very young children may struggle to

Explainer: The new sick pay and benefits regime

Brighton SolFed outlines your rights under the new post-coronavirus system and where to find out more information. If you’re unable to work due to illness or are self-isolating due to Corona virus, and your employer doesn’t offer contractual sick pay, you can claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you usually earn at least £118 per

The Social Centre Bulletin: GAS and bookfairs

Is there really anywhere else quite like a good social centre? Peter Ó’Máille considers the value of rebel community hubs and updates on what’s happening in our libertarian networks. Whether heady with punky vibes and revolution like the Red and Black Umbrella (pictured above) was or more holistic community focused like Nottingham’s Sumac with its