Freedom News

Greetings comrades!

As is our habit, we write to you on the eve of Anarchist Christmas (aka this Saturday's Bookfair in London) to talk a little about what Freedom has been getting up to over the last six months. We've been busy as ever over the Summer bringing out both old and new work – and for the first time in a while will be needing to do a bit of fundraising, if you'll indulge us.

Upcoming titles

Our latest paper will, random chance willing, be back in time to launch at the Bookfair and has a cracking assortment of essays on everything from Hull co-operatives to rioting in Paris. You can pick up a free copy on the day, or keep an eye out on our shop website to order online if you can't make it to London.

Missing that boat ever so slightly will be our next book, a new edition of Colin Ward's masterpiece Anarchy in Action, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of its original release. On top of a really lovely cover by artist Edmund Trueman, we have a new introduction by Sophie Scott-Brown (author of Colin Ward and the Art of Everyday Anarchy) plus copious footnotes covering changes since his original editions. We're hoping to release that in time for the London Radical Bookfair next month!

Returning favourites

Already arrived meanwhile are two straight reprints with updated covers (unfortunately we finally ran out of the old green ones because the public insisted, rather rudely, on buying them all). About Anarchism is one of the classic modern short introductions, explaining what we believe, how we differ, what we want and what we do.

Act For Yourselves meanwhile is quite special to Freedom. Peter Kropotkin wrote primarily for two radical papers during his long exile from Russia, Le Révolté in France and Freedom in Britain. Essays in the former went on to be turned into a book, The Conquest of Bread, but it would be a century before we fulfilled his original intent to do the same for his English-language works.

A new rebuild

The building itself is where it looks like we’re going to have to concentrate next in our endless task of sorting things out.

Since our last fundraiser in 2016, we’ve managed to mostly keep on top of things, with the building collective of member groups (Freedom, Haven, AF, NBTA, Dog Section and ASS) sharing the costs. 


This year however has affected us as much as anyone. Rates and electricity prices particularly are proving difficult just as we need to be thinking about some more serious repair work.


So it looks like we’re going to need to do a fundraiser for the first time in a fair few years. Some of the items we’ll be looking at include:

  • Fixing the windows and frames 
  • Sorting out the fascia, gutters, and water damage on the back wall
  • Stair and floorboard repairs
  • Shutter fixes
  • A proper winter heating system

Alongside more decorative stuff like installing nicer floors, tidying various surrounds that have decayed or not been finished previously, etc.


The windows and walls in particular are likely to be an expensive fix, and our aim will be to raise £15,000.


The good news is that we have already secured a bit of outside funding, and thanks to a small legacy from Brian Biggins, who sadly died last year, we will have some money available to put into it ourselves.


The building at 84B Whitechapel High Street is, as anyone who’s visited knows, held up as much by its dreams as its bricks. But we do need the latter, so please do donate!

The EU is set to let border guards decide asylum claims
EU ministers are set to approve a legal change that would let border guards decide who has the right to seek asylum
Mutual Aid in Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Introducing Culture of Solidarity: A fast growing mutual aid group based in Israel-Palestine.
ANC profits while KwaZulu-Natal residents thirst
South Africa's political elite don't care about poor black people.
The grifterverse and Russell Brand
Why did so many hard-right celebs rush to support a supposedly left-leaning conspiracy-monger while the left itself has not?
Ten years since Pavlos Fyssas’ assassination: A turning point for Greece
The musician and antifascist died of his wounds at the hands of fascists, but his death began the defeat of Golden Dawn.





Freedom Ⓐ bookshop & publishing (Group)



Mastodon (Kolektiva)
